Friday, April 9, 2010


In pursuance with the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Cooperative Development Fund was constituted by NABARD in the year 1992-93 under the provisions of Section 45 of NABARD Act, 1981 with a view to strengthening and providing assistance to Co-operative Credit Institutions for improving their infrastructural facilities. The initial Corpus of the Fund was Rs.10 crore which was subsequently raised to Rs.75 crore. The cumulative assistance sanctioned to cooperative institutions from the Fund for various purposes unto 31 March 2007 amounted to Rs.76.35 crore against which Rs.67.66 crore has been disbursed.

(a) Objective of the Fund:
Supporting the efforts of grass root level institutions (PACS) to mobilize resources etc.
Human Resource Development aimed at achieving better working results and improvements in viability and also for improvement in systems in cooperative credit institutions.

Building of better MIS and Conduct of special studies for improving functional efficiency and on subjects referred to above.

(b) Purposes eligible for assistance:
Provision of infrastructural facilities to PACS for deposit mobilization.
Staff training and faculty support.
Computerisation support for building of MIS in cooperative banks.
Conduct of special studies.
Creation of a conducive recovery climate through meeting the cost of publicity, media, etc.

Providing mobility to the field staff for improving recovery.
Reimbursement of training expenditure to ACSTIs and JLTCs
Best Performance Awards to Cooperative Banks
Establishment of Business Development Department (BDD) in Cooperative Banks
Reimbursement of expenses for publicity of Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) and Doubling of Agriculture Credit Scheme

Mode of Assistance:
Assistance is provided by way of grant, soft loan or grant-cum-soft loan.
Purpose-wise sanction and disbursement of CDF assistance as on 31 March 2007 is given below:
See Table
Sr. No. Purpose Assistance sanctioned Amount disbursed % Disb to Sanction
SCB SCARDB Others Total Loan Grant Total
1 Infrastructure to PACS 1144.36 - - 1144.36 - 1016.10 1016.10 89
2 Computerisation 659.79 437.52 - 1097.31 292.58 438.86 731.44 67
3 Purchase of Vehicles - 670.62 - 670.62 532.85 - 532.85 79
4 Conduct of studies and seminars 123.53 123.53 - 101.79 101.79 82
5 Reimbursement to ACSTIs/ JLTCs - - 3149.57 3149.57 - 3149.57 3149.57 100
6 Other trainings - - 31.94 31.94 - 31.94 31.94 100
7 Fax Machines 16.52 23.55 - 40.07 12.41 18.61 31.02 78
8 FA/BDD 232.51 14.91 - 247.42 - 48.43 48.43 19
9 Best Performance Award - - 871.84 871.84 - 871.84 871.84 100
10 ODI - - 31.79 31.79 - 31.79 31.79 100
11 Cooperators Meets - - 6.71 6.71 - 6.71 6.71 100
12 KCC - - 107.93 107.93 - 107.93 107.93 100
13 Others 40.36 10.00 - 50.36 - 42.31 42.31 84
14 Doubling of Credit 46.56 15.34 - 61.90 - 61.90 61.90 100
Total 2140.10 1171.94 4323.31 7635.35 837.84 5927.78 6765.62 88.61

(Rs. lakh)
Sl. No. States SCBs SLDBs Total
Sanction Disbursement Sanction Disbursement Sanction Disbursement
1 Andaman & Nicobar 39.74 20.82 4.96 4.58 44.70 25.40
2 Andhra Pradesh 221.89 183.58 0.00 0.00 221.89 183.58
3 Arunachal Pradesh 19.50 7.38 6.86 2.82 26.36 10.20
4 Assam 6.31 0.18 0.00 0.00 6.31 0.18
5 Bihar 70.43 3.05 41.22 37.17 111.65 40.22
6 Chattisgarh 73.23 58.72 5.87 5.86 79.10 64.58
7 Goa 26.50 26.50 0.00 0.00 26.50 26.50
8 Gujarat 42.85 37.34 6.05 5.82 48.90 43.16
9 Haryana 31.29 17.81 4.08 4.08 35.37 21.89
10 Himachal Pradesh 34.16 15.59 14.07 13.67 48.23 29.26
11 Jammu & Kashmir 17.75 17.66 27.94 25.61 45.69 43.27
12 Jharkhand 3.22 0.15 0.00 0.00 3.22 0.15
13 Karnataka 220.82 179.83 186.22 160.37 407.04 340.20
14 Kerala 52.47 48.24 83.86 63.92 136.33 112.16
15 Madhya Pradesh 323.37 270.93 142.69 91.45 466.06 362.38
16 Maharashtra 6.18 6.18 26.61 6.45 32.79 12.63
17 Manipur 1.13 0.82 16.34 12.74 17.47 13.56
18 Meghalaya 29.33 1.19 0.00 0.00 29.33 1.19
19 Mizoram 1.19 15.93 0.00 0.00 1.19 15.93
20 Nagaland 8.00 8.00 3.15 3.01 11.15 11.01
21 New Delhi 1.19 1.19 0.00 0.00 1.19 1.19
22 Orissa 234.24 200.33 11.93 1.76 246.17 202.09
23 Punjab 68.26 62.73 108.10 41.35 176.36 104.08
24 Rajasthan 64.39 61.22 55.88 49.12 120.27 110.34
25 Sikkim 32.09 9.46 0.00 0.00 32.09 9.46
26 Tamil Nadu 73.60 71.10 196.50 190.47 270.10 261.57
27 Tripura 0.93 0.93 7.24 7.03 8.17 7.96
28 Uttar Pradesh 290.17 134.59 102.92 60.76 393.09 195.35
29 Uttarnchal 37.70 27.35 8.17 2.05 45.87 29.40
30 West Bengal 85.57 63.26 90.70 79.28 176.27 142.54
32 NCARDB 0.00 0.00 18.60 18.60 18.60 18.60
31 NAFSCOB 22.60 22.03 0.00 0.00 22.60 22.03
33 NCMDARDB 0.00 0.00 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98
34 ACSTI/JLTC 3149.57 3149.57
35 Other Trg. 31.94 31.94
36 Studies/Seminars 123.53 101.79
37 Best Perf. Award/CAP 871.84 871.84
38 ODI 31.79 31.79
39 Co-operators' meets 6.71 6.71
40 KCC 107.93 107.93
Total 2140.1 1574.09 1171.94 889.95 7635.35 6765.61

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