The Green Kerala Express, the first social reality show on Indian television showcasing the grassroots-level developmental initiatives of three-tier local bodies, came to an end on Tuesday with Elappully village panchayat in Palakkad winning the Rs.1 crore prize. The 103 episode show was being aired by Doordarshan's Thiruvananthpuram Kendra since last march.
One hundred and fifty-two panchayats had vied with one another with their developmental projects, which ranged from dairy sector interventions, health care projects, panchayat-run courts to settle cases and organic farming. Panchayat office-bearers were given half-an-hour slot to present their developmental initiatives before a panel of jury. The viewers were asked to SMS their votes for the panchayats of their choice.
After the first phase, 15 panchayats were selected for the second round, in which the jury went to the selected panchayats for an on-the-spot review of the projects.
Elappully panchayat, mainly inhabited by debt-ridden marginal farmers, had undertaken a dairy project to enhance milk production. With a complete dairy village concept, Elappully had achieved a four-fold increase in milk production in the past two years. From 2,400 litres per day, milk production of the village has gone up to 12,000 litres a day, helping the dairy farmers to fetch a combined turnover of Rs.7.5 crore last year.
"The Green Kerala Express saw the contesting panchayats asking people to vote for their panchayat. The promise was that the prize money would be invested in a major development work. Shows of this nature would make the village bodies more accountable to the voters," said Doordarshan Assistant Director G Sajan, who had conceived the show. The show, a documentation of rural development, had brought to light several poverty alleviation schemes which could be replicated elsewhere in the country, he added.
From Indian Express
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